For the common public, either it’s a White collar person or a Blue collar person whichever the profession they are with, we give the service for them to upload the profile to whatever the extant they would like to share or whatever the information they would like to share for specific employer’s and the potential employers who would like to see their profile. And the profile what they are submitting it is not in the open forum like any other social media such as linked in, Face book or any other job portals. This profiles are confidentially maintained and it is shared only with those are Organizations interested in knowing about the candidates profiles. It’s definitely not open to all and also when the organizations are checking the profiles of any individual or any individual checking their other individual’s profile plus specific requirement there is a notification given to the candidate.

This is an opportunity for the candidate to know how many times his or her profile has been viewed and also how many have reacted positive into that and also on the profile front its helps the candidate to connect with all the people whom they have studies or worked with. The peer’s and managers whom they have worked what all the growth path they are taken into and it helps them to be connected and be referred by or provide reference. This platform gives a fair chance for both the managers and also the subordinate/candidates to receive the right reference for the work what they are done.

For the blue collar workers such as Driver’s or house maids or any other support system like Electricians or plumbers even network engineers, telephone support engineers, mobile service engineers or anybody who’s a part of the common walk of life can get referred by every client whom they provide the service . This helps them to get a fair chance to present themselves very well for the new opportunities or new business what they are looking for. The small, medium enterprises (SMEs) like there are many companies who are run by individual who is the services provider as well like network engineers , plumbing contractors or electrical contractors. This platform gives them the opportunity for them to get their all the references registered once in for all and it can be helpful for them to presented in the future cases.



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